I believe one of the scariest ways to move through this life is to do so living less than fully alive, too merely exist without direction or purpose, "...like a plastic bag drifting through the wind." To live life on default; never reaching your true potential, never becoming what you could have been.
Sadly this is the harsh reality so many settle into without ever really noticing until it's too late.
To live life constricted by confines of fear and mediocrity only to face a mountain of regret year after year; decade after decade as your biggest hopes and dreams slip further away.
To never have the courage to do more, be more and see more of what this magnificent life has to offer. To never shine bright living in your true purpose, to never make the difference only you can make in this world is a tragedy that only you can conquer.

Here's the thing about time.
If you don't use it up, if you don't show up each day with purpose, if you aren't intentionally taking action towards the things you want and the life you dream of. If you aren't showing up as the women you know you can be.
It won't slow down and wait for you to get your $h*t together.
It won't magically gift you the life you want and have been dreaming of.
Nobody is coming to save you.
No, it's on each of us to save ourselves. It's on you to be your own hero. It's on you to figure out where you want to go, to step into courage, harness that inner power that's already inside of you and pursue the highest vision you have for your life.
It's on you to chase your boldest dreams and bring your wildest visions to life.
It's on you to turn off the tv and go for that walk.
It's on you to speak up and use your voice.
It's on you to pick up the pen and write down those goals.
It's on you to commit and recommit as many times as it takes.
It's on you to get back up every time you fall, to keep on keeping on. It's on you to chose what you want most in this life over what you most in this single moment.
When you're doubting yourself remember this from Richard Bach, "You are never given a dream with out also being given the power to make it come true."
You are powerful. You are powerful beyond belief. So please don't settle for mediocrity and reach for your version of more; whatever that looks like for you. Commit right now to showing up and living life fully alive.
Own your greatness, call your short and make your difference big or small.
You were not put on the earth...
To suffer.
To want and never get.
Too long for an impossible dream.
You were put on this earth to thrive so embrace your brave and commit to living fully alive.
Five Tips to Start Living Fully Alive

Get clear about what you want (not the watered down version either). I'm talking balls to walls, if your wildest dreams came true. Girl - you deserve to live your wildest dreams.
Review your goals figure out the time, effort & commitment you think it will take and be really honest if you are willing to do that.
Take care of your health & move your body. The body is your vehicle to journey through this life. The only vessel you have to chase your boldest dreams and bring your wildest dreams to live. Take. Care. Of. It.
Ditch your excuses. We all have the same 24 hours in a day. We all have obstacles. We all experience heart break, loss and suffering. We all come from different backgrounds and socio-economic backgrounds. "Where there's a will, theres a way."
Stop playing small.
“Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone, and as we let our light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
— Marianne Williamson
XO Tiffany
The Courage Coach

Tiffany Agnew, AKA, The Courage Courage Coach is the Founder of The Braedon Foundation, writer & mentor dedicated to becoming the very best version of herself.
She's passionate about building community for like minded woman who are ready to flex their bravery muscles, chase their boldest dreams and bring their wildest visions to life.
Her mission is to help you flex our BRAVERY muscles so that you can thrive in every area of your life.
You're Invited to Tiffany's live talk,
Change your Life with a Promise
August 24th 7pm AST
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