My husband, James who I usually refer to as Boo, gave me a challenge our first Christmas together almost ten years ago. He told me his dad was really hard to shop for; he has everything he said.
I quickly volunteered to take on this challenge and was eager to find the perfect gift.
Anyone who knows me can attest that I love to put a lot of thought and heart into every gift I give.
I like to double wrap and sometimes even triple wrap presents and write heart felt messages to make those on my shopping list feel extra special.
Not to brag but it's kind of my super power; at least I considerate to be!
I got busy scouring the internet looking for the perfect gift for my father in law when it dawned on me. What would be an extra special gift for someone who already has everything? An experience!
Time, yes, time with family doing something special. After some searching I figured it out and came up with the perfect gift for my father in law, David. Dinner for the four of us followed by a comedy show at the Imperial Theatre.
My elf like gifting super powers came through and the gift/ experience was a huge hit. Since then this has become a tradition that has taken us to concerts, wine fairs, across the boarder and an ocean. It's taken us to exquisite dinners and to small towns with Hallmark like charm all while spending quality time together; creating memories.
We even started gifting experiences to Braedon too from movies, to dinners, a really cool magic show that blew our minds and we even brought him to explore small towns with us in Maine.
In 2017, our last Christmas with Braedon we were lucky to find an event near home which to our delight meant we could include even more of our loved ones in this tradition. We were able to take my mother and father-in-law, Braedon, my brother in law and my dear friend Loretta who also happens to be Braedon's Godmother.
The seven of us made our way to a wonderful dinner at Lemon Grass in Saint John, NB then enjoyed an amazing night filled with laughter at James Mullinger's, Let's do it Again Comedy show at Harbour Station (TD Station).
Why am I telling you this?
And why do I want to encourage you to consider gifting experiences and time to your loved ones over material gifts?
Well this gift, this experience, it ended up being our very last family outing together.
Even though Braedon had been sick and was really self conscious we rallied and made it happen; oxygen tank and all. It was one of his gifts, he was a huge Mullinger fan and he'd already spent Christmas in the hospital.
We ate, enjoyed one another's company, laughed until our cheeks hurt and made memories that will last a lifetime and Braedon passed away just 18 days later.
An Experience Can be Priceless
As you go about your shopping this holiday season, I hope that you'll consider gifting an experience to someone special in your life; giving them the gift of your time and a memory that could last a lifetime because in the end it’s all that matters.
Use this holiday season to prioritize spending time with the people you love. Give them the gift of fun or adventure. Eat a great meal together, see a movie, a band, or try something new for the first time together.
You never know when it will be your last opportunity to laugh the night away with someone you love or when it will be your very last Christmas together; make it count.
Gift Experience Ideas
Family Trip
Concert Tickets
Paint Night
Dinner together at their favourite restaurant
Break out Room
Dinner Theatre
Hockey Games or other Sporting Events
Pottery Class
Game for family game night
Comedy Show
Rock Climbing Gyms
Trampoline Parks
XO Tiffany
PS If I haven't convinced you yet consider experiences can bring us closer together, inspire us and help us grow and even uncover new parts of ourselves.

Tiffany Agnew's son Braedon Beebe Lyon died in 2018 just four months after his 18th birthday.
His short life transformed every part of who she is and he continues to guide her from afar but she has found healing through writing, speaking, coaching.
She has even became certified as an Advanced Grief
Recovery Specialist and is dedicated to helping others find their path to healing through adversity.
How are you honouring your child in heaven? We want to hear your story. Email TIFFANYDAGNEW@GMAIL.COM using subject line honouring my child in heaven. We may share your story.